It’s not simple to choose the appropriate kind of handmade rugs for your living area. Before buying a rug, there are a lot of things to think about. One of the most important considerations is the location of the rug. The incorrect rug choice may throw the whole room’s décor off.

Rugs, as opposed to the conventional wall-to-wall carpets that are no longer fashionable, provide an additional layer of décor. Area rugs are attractive and, when selected properly, blend in with the rest of your home design. This is particularly true if you choose an unusual design like a Persian rug. Make sure, however, that you only buy it from genuine Persian rug shops.

Choosing an appropriate rug for your living room

Rugs should, in general, fit nicely with the room’s overall concept. The following are the qualities on which the rug is based:

  • Color
  • Pattern
  • Style
  • Shape
  • Texture
  • Color
  • Size

Before you start looking for a rug, you should have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish with it. Do you just care about appearances? Or are you searching for a place to rest your head? Maybe you want both?

One of the most significant variables is size. If you select a larger rug, the space may seem claustrophobic. However, if the rug is too tiny, the space will seem to be unfinished.

How to Choose the Right Area Rug

Calculate the size of the space and bring an area rug that is the perfect fit. As previously said, both too tiny and too large may create a strange appearance. As a result, the rug’s total size should be proportional to the space. The optimum size is usually large enough to cover the whole coffee table as well as the seats around it. It not only has an excellent appearance, but it also fits in with the rest of the room’s décor.

The color of the rug is also essential, as overly bright, or too dull colors may give the area rug an unbalanced appearance. The rug’s color should contrast with the coffee table and seats. The contrast hue makes the ancient rug and the objects on it appear extremely clean and dazzling, making them stand out.

If you require a rug for comfort, woolen rugs are a wonderful choice since they provide a pleasant soft touch on your feet and guarantee optimum relaxation. Silk rugs are also smooth and silky, although cleaning them may be challenging.

Whether you choose a simple or patterned Persian rug, the design/style of the Persian rug is equally important. Both simple and patterned designs are dependent on the color of your space and other décor.

If the room paint and other decorations are a little eye grabbing, a simple rug is recommended, while a patterned rug is utilized if the room is plain neutral paint with minimum embellishments. The patterned carpeting does not fit in, but rather stands out.


We hope that you now know how to choose the right area rug for your house. Of course, the market is full of countless options. But your focus should primarily be on getting the best value for the buck. And for that, you must research properly and choose the best stores in your area only.

Rugs offer your space a distinct and professional appearance. So, keep the considerations in mind while you look for wholesale Persian rugs Northern VA that fit your budget. At the same time, think about how much comfort and warmth the rug will provide to your space. After all, in the case of carpets, appearances aren’t everything.

Well, a lot of people think that Persian and traditional rugs can be a tremendous source of embellishment and decoration for any part of the house, for that matter. Oriental rugs or Persian rugs add a unique sort of fervor to your space as they permeate zestful vibes.

Here are a bunch of things to consider before decorating your place with Persian/oriental rugs.

First and foremost, you need to know the size, width and length of the space you want a rug for

First things first: you need to measure the size and width and length of the area you are about to buy a rug for. Getting all the measurements done in time is the most crucial part; if you miss out on one of the intricacies taking care of this part, you might have a lot to regret later. Therefore, make no mistakes — take a measuring tape and get all things under your umbrella.

Choose natural fibers over synthetic fibers because they last longer than the contemporaries.

Most people want their rugs to be ever-lasting. If you are also one of them, you should choose a natural fiber rug instead of a synthetic fiber rug as they live the lengthiest. Natural fibers have the tendency to get through any and every stain, splash or tinge. It can also endure heavy mobility and survive for the longest possible time.

If you choose a heavily-patterned rug, keep the furniture and decoration pieces lowkey

If you choose a busily-patterned rug, you should make sure that the furniture in that very room is not too loud. Keep the embellishing stuff lowkey and let the rug do all the talking. In case you do not want the furniture to be scaled down on, try buying a lowkey and mildly-patterned rug. Nonetheless, make the combination suit each other well.

Always use furniture coasters with the rugs

Furniture is often placed on the rugs in drawing rooms, living rooms and bedrooms, hence, important precautions should be taken to guarantee the sanctity of the rug doesn’t get hurt. To make sure nothing dents the rug, furniture coasters can be used.

Use elongated and rectangular rugs for places like kitchen and bathrooms

You are not obliged to use round rugs for places like kitchen and bathroom, it’s better if you use narrow and elongated rugs of the medium size in these areas. In case you mess it up, ask the salesman to help you skim through a bunch of bathroom-specific and kitchen-specific rugs.

Small-sized rugs can also be used as a wall hanging!

There is a huge misunderstanding that Persian area rugs can only be placed on the ground where heavy or low mobility is expected, but no, rugs can also be used as a wall hanging. Rugs can prove to be a perfect piece of embellishment be it your drawing room or living room or any other part of the house you live in.

Prefer using a narrow and elongated hallway runner rug

Hallways should not be left vacant; you can find some nice elongated runner rugs to cover that particular part of your house. Hallway rugs are usually meant to be longer and narrower than the other rugs. Also, they should be capable of bearing heavy traffic since it’s a path that connects all the segments/nooks of the house.

Your dining room rug should be bigger than the dining table itself

When you choose a rug for your dining room, make sure you know how big your table is because the rug has to be slightly bigger than that. It can in no way be smaller than the table’s size; it should also not be much larger than the dining table; in an ideal world, the rug should be somewhat 2 feet larger than the dining set so one could easily pull out the chair and be seated.

Try a small-sized rug anchored with a medium-sized mat in your living room

Rug alone looks great for sure but it can also compliment anything that colludes with it. For instance, if you place a plain mat and on top of it a decently-patterned rug, this combination is all set to look amazing. It is important for you that you choose the right rug from Persian rug stores Vienna VA so it improves the visual appeal of your home.