A commercial refrigerator is critical for your restaurant company since it keeps all food and beverages cold and fresh. This is one of the main reasons why you should examine your refrigerators on a regular basis in order to avoid costly commercial appliances repair. So, what should you do now?

Keeping your commercial refrigerator in good working order

In this post, we’ve compiled a list of tried-and-true recommendations for keeping your commercial freezers in good working order. These maintenance suggestions will maintain your device in good working order and clean.

Clean the outside and interior of the refrigerator on a regular basis

Clean the whole outside and interior of your refrigerator unit on a monthly or weekly basis for the greatest results. Before you begin, remove everything from the refrigerator and briefly relocate it to another cooler.

To clean the inside, use a gentle brush to scrape the surface/shelves with soap, warm water, or a vinegar solution.

At the same time, you should clean the outside of your unit on a daily basis. Furthermore, avoid using any chlorine cleansers or abrasive scrubbers since they might harm the interior of your refrigerator.

Clean the condenser coil on a regular basis

While you may not realize it, it is critical to clean the refrigerator’s condenser coil on a regular basis. Most commercial refrigerator manufacturers recommend doing this procedure every two months.

This is because the temperature in the cabinet will rise as a result of the filth and dust. As a result, additional components will begin to fail, resulting in higher repair costs.

Check out the gaskets

Gaskets are essential components of all commercial refrigeration units. The door of the refrigeration unit will not be sealed shut if there is a fracture or split in the gasket. As a result, cold air will continually escape from the refrigerator’s inside.

If you have a damaged gasket, we recommend that you repair it right away. Even if there are no obvious fractures or splits, you should nevertheless clean the gaskets on a regular basis to avoid harm. If oil is frequently utilized in your industrial kitchen, this technique becomes even more critical.

This is because an increase in filth and oil can cause the gaskets to wear out over time.

Examine the evaporator coil and the surrounding region

The evaporator coil, like the condenser coil, is an important commercial refrigerator component. An evaporator coil is located alongside the evaporator fan and is in charge of absorbing heat from the heated air. As a result, the interior of the unit becomes cooler.

It is critical to maintain the area around the coil clean on a regular basis. Furthermore, you should avoid storing an excessive amount of hot products in the refrigerator. If the unit’s vents get clogged, the coil will begin to freeze. This will result in water leaks and an increase in cabinet temperature.

Examine the air filters

Air filters are frequently clogged by griddles and fryers, which can block air circulation. This is another very essential reason why refrigerators should be cleaned on a regular basis. If there are any splits caused by debris, it is time to change the filters.


Typically, when refrigerators stop working or end up getting damaged, there are certain components to blame. Though, it can be very tricky for you to repair refrigerators on your own. Your best bet will be to get some professional help.

Commercial refrigerator services Alexandria can be costly if your refrigerator/freezer has sustained extensive damage. So, before any additional damage is done, make sure you are following all of the above-mentioned guidelines.

Your restaurant business depends upon the efficiency of your kitchen. You need to constantly upgrade the appliances of your kitchen by taking the services of commercial appliances repair. Following are the suggestions to upgrade the kitchen of your restaurant.

Things to know about Restaurant appliance maintenance

  1. Understand the Role of a Restaurant Kitchen

Your restaurant’s kitchen caters dozens of people; it needs to be treated with the extra care. Your full attention to the kitchen of your restaurant will thrive your business. Your kitchen is like the heart of your restaurant where the customers’ orders come into reality. Your food is prepared, cooked, stored and plated in that area. You must not take this kitchen like the kitchen of your house because the nature of a restaurant kitchen is different from an ordinary kitchen. Moreover, you must understand that the role of your restaurant kitchen is unique and you must manage it like it deserves to be managed.

  1. Know the Difference in Commercial Ovens and Range

The ovens and ranges are the most important appliances in your kitchen. The size of your oven and range depends upon the menu of your restaurant. For instance if your restaurant is offering the BBQ services then you must invest on the large size grill for making the BBQs for your customers. Moreover these appliances need to repair by the commercial appliances repair. And if there is any fault occurring in those machines you must not take it lightly. It needs to be repair as quickly as possible.

  1. Keep Costs Low of Your Kitchen

To keep the kitchen upgrade, you must think about the cost which is hindering the work of your kitchen. The cost of your restaurant’s kitchen depends upon the efficiency of the kitchen appliances and the organization of your staff. And if your staff members work quickly and know the very usage of these appliances they can work more efficiently.

  1. Refrigerator and Freezer Maintenance

Fridge and freezer are the most important part of your kitchen. The whole kitchen depends upon the effectiveness of the fridge and freezer. You must hire a commercial freezer repair to make it more efficient. You need the fridge and freezer for the purpose of storing the food and other ingredients of your kitchen.

You must keep a close contact with commercial freezer repair service because if this machine doesn’t work properly, you will not be able to store your food.

  1. Keep Your Restaurant Kitchen Clean

‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’ this proverb tells you the importance of cleaning. The hygiene must be the first priority for you to keep your customers, which are like the god for your restaurant business, away from the diseases. Moreover, you must understand that the clean kitchen will keep your customers away from germs and a lot of other issues. Your staff must follow the rules of WHO to keep the kitchen clean. Furthermore, the habit of cleaning the machinery will save your hard-earned money because it will save your appliances from wear and tear.

  1. Consider Used Equipment

The replacement of the kitchen appliances will cost you thousands of dollars because commercial kitchen appliances come on higher rates. You must consider the option of taking and buying the used appliances. These appliances will cost you less money and you can easily maintain them by hiring a commercial appliances repair.

  1. Replace All Cooking Appliances for Energy Saving

The efficient energy system of your kitchen will make your restaurant business more profitable and money-making for you. Forty five percent of the energy is used in making and processing of food. Maintenance of the kitchen appliances like oven, griddles, broilers and fryers is necessary to save your money. Moreover, the storage equipment of your kitchen, fridge and freezer, also needs the proper maintenance by taking commercial freezer repair services.

  1. Schedule Routine Maintenance

The maintenance of kitchen appliances is necessary. You must build the habit of keeping the appliances up-to-date by maintaining them. Make a schedule for the maintenance of kitchen appliances and follow it with the letter and spirit. Don’t wait for the expiry date of a machine because replacing the machine will cost you more money. You can hire a commercial appliances repair va to ensure the quality of these appliances.

Here we are going to guide how you can set up and run a successful restaurant kitchen. This also includes using quality appliances and getting the best commercial appliances repair.

Run and setup a commercial kitchen

  1. Do Your Research

Setting up a restaurant and getting regular customer is not easy. When you have to start the restaurant, do your research. Check the sites where you want the restaurant, its surrounding, the customer needs, what dishes will be hot favorite and what price should be set. Also check the nearby restaurants, taste their food as well as check the prices. These things will help you come up with a better idea to set up and run your kitchen.

  1. Design the Kitchen

The commercial kitchens are way different than home kitchens. For a restaurant kitchen, you need a lot of things. Appliances, freezers, refrigerators, ovens, grills and many more. Make sure the kitchen design is user-friendly and the chefs can move freely and access everything. Keep the kitchen clean and decorated because this will the most attractive thing for the customers.

  1. Use Quality Appliances

To set up and run a commercial kitchen, you should get quality appliances. Whenever you need to repair them, hire the best commercial appliances repair. Similarly, you will have to keep an ice maker and may need commercial ice maker repair whenever it gets out of order. Never purchase cheaper or low-quality appliances because they are damaged easily. You will end up spending a lot more money than needed.

  1. Choose a Location

The location of the kitchen is the most important thing. Try to choose an area where you will get the most number of customers. You should redesign the interior of the restaurant in a unique and beautiful way. Display banners and boards so that people can find your hotel easily. But the location should be attractive. It can be near a college, university, food street, bazars or any major benchmark of the city.

  1. Create a Menu

After doing with the basic things, you should create a menu. Always focus the customers and what they prefer. Every area has certain dishes so follow the trend. You can also introduce your own dishes if you believe they will attract customers. Maintain the great quality of food and keep improving as you make progress. Sticking with just one menu may reduce your customers. Be creative and redesign the menu after regular intervals.

  1. Keep Prices Low

When it comes to food prices, you should compare the market rates of different restaurants. Try to keep your prices low as it will bring you more customers. You can give a tough time to the already running restaurants with your quality food and low prices. This way you can easily get attention of the new customers. Adjust the prices carefully if you believe there is need to increase the food rates.

  1. Market Your Kitchen

Another important thing to get started with a restaurant kitchen is to market the business. Make a marketing plan and focus the potential customers. Introduce offers and promotions when you market the kitchen. Be creative and use all possible marketing channels. You should have a kitchen website that should have everything enlisted. Make things simple and easy for customers. Also try to offer online free delivery in a certain distance.

Need commercial ice maker repair? Never settle for newbies and cheap services.

  1. Hire Your Staff

The staff at your kitchen will decide the future of your business. When you hire people, focus on their experience and expertise. Choose people carefully because they will represent your business. Take more care for customer care staff. The servers should be polite and kind who know how to make customer happy and keep them satisfied. Many customers visit a restaurant just because of servers so every waiter should be skilled.

  1. Take Care of Everything

We have listed all the important things to set up and run a restaurant kitchen. Now all you need is someone who can supervise the whole staff and encourage them for work. Monitor the performance, keep customer data, analyze the stats in order to make improvements.

Introduce incentives for your staff as well as customers. Hold special dish-based events on special occasions. Get customer feedback and encourage them for reviews. Use reliable  commercial ice maker repair Vienna VA services. Keep advertising and never run out of idea to operate the kitchen successfully.