There are tons of reasons why you could lose hair. It could be stress, overworking, poor health, improper diet and malnutrition. You can go straight to a hair restoration clinic, but you should ponder on what is causing your hair loss. Here are some vitamin deficiencies which may be the culprit.

Vitamin C Deficiency

Bright and citrus flavored fruits, bursting with sweet and sour punches, fruits like oranges, grapefruit, pineapple, etc. are loaded with vitamin C. They are very good for seasonal infections, but did you know that it is good for your hair too? Well, it should be no surprise to you that Vitamin C is a great nutritive source for your hair.

Vitamin C is a great antioxidant and its deficiency can cause dry and rough skin, which ultimately becomes so weak that it is unable to hold the hair follicle in place. This can lead to a lot of hair breakage, not just from the tips, but also from the middle of the hair shaft. Vitamin C can also lead to more collagen production, which is necessary for good hair health. Without collagen, your hair is more prone to breakage and it loses its elasticity.

Vitamin B Complex Deficiency

B complex vitamins are a vast group of vitamins which do wonders for your body. It consists of B-12, biotin, B-5, B-6 and B-9, which is also known as folate. These vitamins can be found in foods like eggs, vegetables, legumes, fruits, dairy products and cereals. These vitamins are great for good hair health and growth as well. Vitamin B-6 gives hair a shiny and lustrous appearance, which makes the hair look healthier and more beautiful.

Vitamin B-5 can help improve hair growth and make the hair retain on the skin of your scalp for longer, hence it is good for scalp health as well. Deficiency of biotin can cause brittle and dry hair. Biotin is responsible for making the hair look smooth and naturally silky, without the need for those external hair treatments and conditioners which claim to make your hair smooth and silky but rarely deliver the promise.

B complex vitamins are also responsible for better blood circulation and good brain health, which also leads to good hair health.

Vitamin A Deficiency

Vitamin A is infamous for making your vision better, but it does a lot of wonders to your hair as well. Vitamin A is abundantly found in liver, spinach, butter, spicy peppers like capsicum and carrots. People suffering from extreme hair loss or alopecia are prone to have low levels of vitamin A. So, replenishment of vitamin A can promote better hair and a healthy scalp. Vitamin A also helps with skin issues and decreases dandruff on the scalp as well, dandruff being the main culprit for hair loss and bad hair health. So, the next time you see some hair fall, make sure you are amplifying the supply of vitamin A in your body.

Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is not only good for your bones. It is great for your hair as well. Vitamin D is mostly found in dairy products, cheese and other fruits and vegetables. It helps in making the hair shaft stronger, just like it does with the bones in your body. Vitamin D is also synthesized in the presence of the sun and exposure to the sun is good for your hair too, but it shouldn’t be too hot or scorching, otherwise it can weaken the hair.

Iron, Zinc And Omega 3’s

Zinc, iron and omega 3 fatty acids also play a huge role in better hair health. Zinc is present in a lot of seeds and nuts. Since hair is a protein, zinc is necessary in protein synthesis. Omega 3 fatty acids are present in a lot of fishes and fatty nuts. They help to improve hair health by providing essential fatty acids. Iron is present in a lot of green and leafy vegetables and beetroot. Iron helps to make the body active and not lethargic. Low iron levels can cause your hair to break and become damaged.

There you go! Now that you know what types of deficiencies of vitamins and minerals cause hair loss, you can combat it quite easily. Moreover, if have lost most hair already, you should consider affordable hair transplantation.

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