There comes a time in every man’s life when he starts losing hair and hair transplant surgery seems like the only option to redeem himself. Appearance and personality are important parts of our daily lives whether we are meeting a client or going out on a date. The way we present ourselves makes a great impact and speaks loads about you. And hair play a very vital role in a person’s physical appearance. Many people who suffer from hair loss from a young age are known to have low level of confidence and little self-esteem.

Know all about hair transplant surgery

If you are also suffering from hair loss and it is interfering with your personal and professional growth, hair transplant surgery may be the solution for your woes. If you are willing to get the procedure done but don’t know much about it, don’t worry! We’ll explain the whole thing in as much details as possible. So, when the time comes for you to make a decision, you’ll be well prepared.

Preparation Before the Hair Transplant Procedure

For those of you who are 45 years of age or older are usually required to bring an ECG that is not more than two weeks old to the hair transplant center.

Other basic preparations include:

  1. You should stop taking any anti-inflammatory medication or Aspirin at least 14 days before the date of the surgery as they can increase the bleeding.
  2. It is also recommended to avoid antidepressants, MAO inhibitors, multivitamins, food supplements and or even herbal products.
  3. You need to stop consuming any alcoholic beverages 7 days prior to the scheduled date.
  4. You should also stop smoking at least 24 hours before your surgery as tobacco can slow down the healing process.
  5. On the morning of the hair transplant surgery, thoroughly wash your hair. Remember to not use any gels or sprays on your hair and completely dry your hair.
  6. Have light breakfast and avoid drinking any caffeinated drink like coffee.

Hair Transplant Procedure

The procedure conducted at the hair transplant center is a very minor one.

  1. It is carried out after giving a dose of local anesthesia. While It numbs the donor area of the scalp, the patient is awake throughout the procedure and observes what’s going on.
  2. Once the numbness sets in, the procedure begins with the extraction of hair from the donor area. The hair extraction is done very carefully to not disturb the visual density of your hair.
  3. The next step involves making micro-incisions on the bald parts of the head. This is done with the help of a specifically designed micro-needle. Of course, the bald areas are also numbed by injecting anesthesia, before incisions are made.
  4. Then comes the transplanting part. The previously extracted grafts are now placed inside the incisions to complete the process.
  5. The anesthesia starts to wear off in about three hours. As the sensations return, the scalp starts to feel somewhat tight. It might even be a bit sore due to the incisions. A paracetamol helps in relieving this pain.

After the Procedure

  1. By the time you return home from the hair transplant center, you may notice your scalp to be a little pink and more swelled than it usually is. Do not be troubled over it as in a few days time the swelling and the added color will subside. In a few cases, you may also need another, small touch-up procedure for blending the hair properly and give them a more natural look.
  2. As the healing process begins the transplanted grafts start to fall in a couple of weeks. This generates space for the new hair to grow. The new hair grows normally from the roots and becomes noticeable in three months time. Once this phase passes, your hair will start to grow at a regular pace.
  3. Try not to sweat excessively or touching the scalp too much, especially in the areas that received the grafts from the procedure, to let the healing process continue. You may also receive some medication and hair washing instructions from the hair transplant center, as well as some recommendations for the shampoo brand to use.

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